eNTRI Chinese (FAQ)

Below you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. We are constantly adding most asked question to this page so if you have a question and don’t see your answer, don’t hesitate to contact us
Do Chinese citizens need a visa to enter Malaysia?
Yes, Chinese citizens need a visa to enter Malaysia.
How can I get a Malaysia visa in Chinese ?
Firstly, you have to make an appointment online to submit the application, print out the visa appointment confirmation form, and then submit the application online
Can Chinese citizens travel to Malaysia?
Of course, they can travel to Malaysia.
How long does it take to get a Malaysia visa in Chinese?
It will take 48 to 72 hours to process if we only apply to work days; weekends, federal holidays, Malaysian public holidays, and even holidays are not included.
Is a Malaysia tourist visa open?
Yes, a Chinese visa is available in our website.

For Malaysia eVisa, it takes 48 to 72 hours to process if we only apply to work days; weekends, federal holidays, Malaysian public holidays, and even holidays are not included.

Can I get an evisa for Malaysia?
Of course, you can also get an evisa for Malaysia, but you must apply online for a visa.
Do I need a visa if I have a Chinese passport?
Of course, you need a visa even if you have a Chinese passport.