Malaysia eVisa FAQ

Below you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. We are constantly adding most asked question to this page so if you have a question and don’t see your answer, don’t hesitate to contact us
What is an electronic Visa?
An e-Visa is an authorized document that allows people to enter and travel within a country. They have to enter their details and pay the Visa fee.
What are the documents required to apply for an e-visa?
To apply for an e-visa need a valid passport; valid documents and recent passport-sized photos.
Do I have to visit an embassy to obtain an e-visa?
No, you don’t need to visit embassy for an e-visa. You can apply for an e-visa on our official website and apply anytime you want.
Can my application for an e-visa get rejected?
Of course, e-visa applications can get decline for numerous reasons like missing documents, no purpose of returning, etc.
Can I apply evisa for Malaysia?
Of course, You can visit our official website page Apply Now by clicking that link. You easily get the evisa without any trouble.
How much time does Malaysia evisa take?
It will take 48-72 hours only on working days to get a Malaysia evisa
How long does it take to get Malaysia evisa for Indians?
It will take 48-72 hours only on working days to get a Malaysia evisa for Indians.
Do Indians get visas on arrival in Malaysia?
Of course, Malaysia offers Visa on Arrival (VOA) for citizens, including India.
How can I get evisa online?
You can visit our official website page Apply Now by clicking that link. You easily get the evisa without any trouble.
Where can I get evisa in india?
You can visit our official website page and click apply now. You easily get the evisa without any trouble.
How can I stay in Malaysia for three months?
You can stay in Malaysia for three months with a tourist visa for a single entry.
Do I need a visa for Malaysia?
Yes, to enter Malaysia, you need a visa.
Who is eligible for the evisa?
Candidates need passports and should have at least six months of validity.
Is a visa to Malaysia free?
No, a Malaysia visa aren’t free
How many days does it take to get an evisa for Malaysia?
It will take 48-72 hours only on working days to get an evisa for Malaysia.